
فيلم الانمي Space Chimps مدبلج للعربية

فيلم الانميشن فضاء الشمبانزي مدبلج لللغة العربية بجودة HD

تاريخ الإضافة : الجمعة 22 05 2015 - 11:26 مساءً اخر تحديث : الجمعة 22 05 2015 - 11:38 مساءً
فيلم الانمي Space Chimps مدبلج للعربية
فيلم فضاء الشامبانزي او Space Chimps فيلم كوميدي خيال علمي عائلي مليئ بالمغامرات و المواقف المضحكة المميزة من انتاج العام 2008 ... مدبلج لللغة العربية و بجودة فائقة الدقة HD

اثنين من الشمبانزي من وكالة ناسا يتم إرسالهم إلى مجرة بعيدة، بعيدة. واحد الشمبانزي لديها "الحق في الاشياء،" والآخر، وهو goofball المحيا جيدة، لديها "الاشياء خاطئة". يصبح المتهرب القردي بطلا مترددة ويتعلم المعنى الحقيقي للشجاعة ، والخوف الملازم لونا وقائدهم متوترون، تيتان، المخاطرة بكل شيء في محاولة لإنقاذ السكان المسالمين في كوكب بعيد من الدكتاتور الشرير "ترجمة حرفية للقصة"
Space,Chimps,فضاء الشامبانزي,2008,الشمبانزي,فضاء,الانميشن,Space Chimps
  • المدة الزمنية : 1:17
  • سنة الانتاج : 2008
  • نوع الملف : MKV
  • اللغة: العربية
  • محتوى الفيلم : عائلي و امن
  • جودة الصورة : HD
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Trailer إعلان المادة

The film begins with Ham III, grandson of the first chimpanzee in space, being a cannonball at his circus and later being criticized by his grandfather's friend Houston. Meanwhile, an unmanned NASA space probe called the Infinity is dragged into an intergalactic wormhole, and crash-lands on an Earth-like planet on the other side of the galaxy. Zartog, an evil-minded inhabitant, accidentally discovers how to take manual control of the on-board machinery and uses it to enslave the population.

Faced with the loss of the probe and probable loss of their budget, the scientists have to find a way to regain contact with the probe, to help retrieve the wayward craft. Technical genius chimp Comet hacks into NASA's computers and gets the scientists to pick them as astronauts to explore the planet and get the probe back, with the help of the fearless Lt. Luna, and their bombastic commander, Titan. The Senator likes the idea, but wants something extra special to grab the attention of the media, and picks Ham. Ham is uninterested in the mission, but he falls for Luna (though he is unaware that Luna was doing the same thing for Ham). They go through the space training. Ham doesn't take the training seriously and he keeps being immature during the training which angers Houston, Luna and Comet. The three go in a gravitational probe, having Luna and Titan screaming, but Ham's internal structure could stand the pressure, forcing him to ask Luna to help him move next week. (The makeup trailer is not seen in the second movie, making people think that she helped him move.) Comet wanted to go through the training; however, the scientists only want Ham, Luna, and Titan, not Comet. Comet is upset about it. Houston comforts Comet.

Before the mission begins, Ham tried to use the jet pack to escape; however, he crashed at plane causing a disaster. He was out cold and put in a rocket ship as punishment.

The three chimps enter the wormhole, where Titan and Luna pass out from the pressure, leaving Ham with the task of getting the ship out and landing it. This is done, and Ham and Luna explore the planet, during which their ship, along with Titan, is taken by a group of aliens sent by Zartog. Ham reveals that he believes that his grandfather and the space chimps are a joke to him. Luna gets angry at Ham for saying that. Ham and Luna begin their journey to Zartog's palace, and on the way they meet one of the inhabitants, known to them as Kilowatt. Kilowatt offers to lead them to the palace, but soon after they encounter a flesh-eating monster in a cave. The monster blocks the exit, but Kilowatt distracts it, sacrificing herself so Ham and Luna can escape. Ham reveals to Luna that he feels that he sees himself as a joke the whole time not his grandfather.

The two chimps finally reach the palace, where they discover that Titan has been teaching Zartog some of the probe's features. They rescue him and are able to board their ship. After getting back in the "Horizon", the controls are lent to Ham, but it doesn't start, making them open the hatch, and all they find are a bell and a whistle (making them realize that Ham was right about the whole thing being a hoax). Ham says that NASA wanted to see if their brains still worked after going through the wormhole, and that they are nothing more than guinea pigs (Titan points out that the guinea pigs are actually on the Mars Mission) and Luna realizes that the ship was on autopilot the whole time and Ham was right all along about the humans not respecting the chimps. Ham says that he didn't want to be right and Titan starts crying. Just as they are about to leave, Ham glances outside and sees Zartog torturing some of the other aliens. He then tells Titan and Luna that they indirectly sent the probe there, and that they owe it to Kilowatt to help save the planet. The three of them exit the ship, which blasts off set to autopilot, but as they are trying to think of a plan, Zartog attacks them with the probe. Just as they are about to get destroyed, Titan tricks Zartog into triggering an ejection mechanism in the probe, which in turn leads to his defeat.

The chimps then discover that Kilowatt has survived, and they are able to make contact with Comet and Houston back on Earth through a "Banana-berry". Houston reminds them that if they can redesign the probe, then they can use it to get back to Earth. They manage to do this with help from the planet's inhabitants and they use an erupting volcano to get the thrust they need to escape the planet's gravity. They go into space, and just as they are about to re-enter the wormhole, Titan hands the controls over to Ham, since Ham is the only one who can withstand the pressure, and thus, the only one who can pilot the ship home. Titan and Luna once again pass out. Ham is unsure if he is up to the task until he has a mental conversation with his grandfather, who tells him to believe in himself and to just do things his (Ham's) way.

Ham manages to maneuver the ship back to Earth and land it with Luna's help and Luna says that they were on their date throughout the whole movie, and the Senator, under pressure from the press, decides to dramatically increase the space program's funding. The scientists tell the press that they're going to have another mission to see if there is any aliens. The film ends with a celebration being held for the chimps' return.

After the credits, the frozen Zartog is shown to be in the center of a garden as a statue where a dog comes near his feet and urinates on them much to the alien's dismay.
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