
الفيلم الوثائقي ضباب سربرنيتشا HD

فيلم وثائقي يتحدث عن مجزرة سربرنيتشا منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية

تاريخ الإضافة : السبت 04 03 2017 - 12:36 صباحاً اخر تحديث : السبت 04 03 2017 - 12:40 صباحاً
الفيلم الوثائقي ضباب سربرنيتشا HD
الفيلم الوثائقي ضباب سربرنيتشا - The Fog of Srebrenicaالأول من يوليوز، 2015، كانت الذكرى العشرين لمجزرة #سربرنيتشا، المحرقة الوحيدة بأوربا منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية.
قتل 8372 رجل و فتى في أسبوع واحد. في ضباب سربرنيتشا، نلتقي بشخصيات رائعة، أشخاص عانوا من اجل التصالح مع الماضي كما عانوا من #يوميات العيش في واحد من افقر البلدان بأوروبا. تثير قصصهم تساؤلات عميقة حول طبيعة وجود الإنسان، والحرب و المغفرة..

The Fog of Srebrenica,مجزرة سربرنيتشا,فيلم ضباب سربرنيتشا,وثائقي
  • اللغة: العربية
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This is the story of survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, the only holocaust in Europe since WWII. 8,372 Bosnian men and boys were killed in one week.Heartbreaking and mind blowing testimonials - the story told by survivors, contrasted by hauntingly beautiful landscapes and horrifying archive. The film portrays extraordinary characters, people who have been struggling to come to terms with the past as well as dealing with the harsh realities of living in one of the poorest countries in Europe. Their stories raise serious and profound questions about the nature of human existence, war and forgiveness.
What happens to you when you live in a society riven by civil war, when you're forced to entertain the inconceivable thought that your neighbors are out to kill you? Hatidza, one of the mothers of Srebrenica, sums up this sense of disillusionment: "Because of what happened in World War II, we thought people must have been uncivilized back then. We thought civilization had progressed and that we understood each other now." And the disillusionment was followed by fear. Survivors of the 1995 siege of Srebrenica talk about the events leading up to the mass murder of 8,372 Bosnian men. Women and children were carried off in buses, and along the way they saw "their" men, half-naked on a soccer field. One of the girls was the then-13-year-old Zinahida. She thought they were being driven to her deaths while the men played soccer. The Fog of Srebrenica presents interviews that are structured in chapters, each of which handles a new phase of this atrocity: the chaos and desperation, the starvation, the severely weakened Bosnian militias marching through the woods - a hellish ordeal that few survived. The sometimes-shocking images of the past drag up the horrors of a nightmare that just won't end. WINNER THE IDFA SPECIAL JURY AWARD 2015
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