يسعى الباحثان كيني وزولتان للعثور على الثعابين السامة وهدفهم استخراج السموم القاتلة واستخدامها للمساعدة في جعلها ادوية منقذة للحياة
البحث عن هذه الثعابين يكان يكون صعبا وبعيد المنال في بعض الاحيان
Snakes slither on grass, in the wild and most people prefer it that way. Not Kenny and Zoltan though. They have an interesting admiration for these animals in a way that allows viewers to follow anthropologist Kenny Broad and scientist-adventurer Zoltan Takacs on their passionate quest for venomous snakes. Their goal is to extract deadly toxins and use them to help make life saving drugs. The search for these often elusive creatures takes Kenny and Zoltan to world places like Vietnam. Here, they traverse Hanoi’s alleyways, unexplored jungle, and treacherous sea caves. They meet venom drinkers, snake eaters, and snake bite victims along the way. Slither onto your couch, as Nat Geo WILD brings you intrigue in the most unravelled way.
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